PSI International

ATLAS Cloud 2.1701-1 release notes


The information below details the updates included in the release of ATLAS Cloud 2.1701-1: 

Improved user functionality

There has been an improvement to enhance the user functionality on ATLAS Cloud:

  • Profile picture delete button (via Catalogue view): it is now possible for a student to delete a picture uploaded into their profile, via the catalogue profile view, using the new remove picture button

Improved administrator functionality

There has been an improvement to enhance the administrator functionality on ATLAS Cloud:

  • Profile picture delete button (via Administrator view): it is now possible for an administrator to delete a picture uploaded into a user profile, via the administrator view, using the new remove picture button

Item banking

There has been an improvement for those using ATLAS Cloud to create their own item banks for customised testing. The enhancement is:

  • Category title increased length: the maximum length of the Catalogue field, accessed via Categorization, has increased from 50 to 100 characters


There has been an improvement for those using ATLAS Cloud to the technical requirements. The enhancement is:

  • Firefox NPAPI upgrade: the plugin and extension required to use in-application tests with Firefox has been updated in line with the latest changes to Firefox. Please review the updated install guide here

Should you have any questions or require further information on any of the above, please contact the PSI support team. 

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