PSI International

01. The Candidate Experience - Starting a Test


Opening a Test

A list of the available tests is displayed on the Candidate's Catalogue View. The tests will be shown under categories, for example, I/ECDL Diag Standard and I/ECDL Cert Standard.

To open a test:

  1. Open the appropriate Category header by clicking the arrow to the right of the correct header
  2. Click the Test Name

Please note that when a Certification test is opened, the system will ask for a valid Administrator/Invigilator login before the test will start.

Automatic System Requirements Check

After opening the test an Automatic System Requirements screen will appear. The check verifies that the computer fulfils the requirements to run the selected test.

Most online tests are in-application tests, meaning they use the applications on the machine for the Candidate to answer the questions. It is important that the correct setup is available for the software prior to starting the test and therefore every time a test is opened an Automatic System Requirements Check is run.

If any of the checks fail, instructions will be provided. Either follow the instructions or contact your Test Administrator.

Please note that the Check System Requirements link can be accessed at any time prior to logging in to the testing system and opening a test, from the login page, to check the machine setup is ready for testing.

The test can be continued provided the Automatic System Requirements Check returns OK for all requirements.

To continue with the test:

  1. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the screen

Test Properties Screen

Following the Automatic System Requirements Check is a Test Properties screen. This page explains the rules for the test and what is allowed including whether there is a time limit, and the ability to change answers.

To view all the rules:

  1.  Scroll down the page

To start the test: 

  1. Scroll up to the top of the page
  2. Click the Start button

Please note that it is possible to refrain from starting the test at this stage if the Cancel button is used instead of the Start button.

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