Change a User Password
If a user has forgotten their password it can easily be reset by an Administrator.
To change a password:
- Find the user either in the tree structure or via a search
- Click in the Password field
- Type the new password in the Password field
- Retype the new password in the Confirm password field
- Click the Save button
A message will appear to confirm that the password change was successful. The user can now be given the new password and login.
Reset Number of Login Attempts
If a user has tried to access the testing site incorrectly too many times, they will be locked out of the system. If this happens, an Administrator can unlock the account so the user can login again.
To reset the number of login attempts for a user:
- Find the user either in the tree structure or via a search
- Scroll down the Edit profile page to find the Number of login attempts field. The number of login attempts made by the user is shown in the field. The number of login attempts needs to be cleared
- Click the Spanner icon to the right of the Number of login attempts field
The number of login attempts will be set back to 0 and the top of the Edit profile page is displayed.
The password must now be changed to finalise the reset.
- Click in the Password field
- Type the new password in the Password field
- Retype the new password in the Confirm password field
- Click the Save button
A message will appear to show the reset number of login attempts change was successful. The user can now be given the new password and login.
Change Passwords for a Group of Users
If a group of users from the same folder require a password change this can be completed at group level.
To change a group of users passwords:
- Find the group in the tree structure.
- Click the Info tab
- Click the Change passwords button (at the bottom of the Info screen) and the users of the group will appear in a list
- Click the Select all button above the list of names and the tick boxes to the left of all the users will be selected
- Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the screen
The list of users will appear with their new Passwords against them. Make a note of these, or use the Print Screen button on the keyboard to print the screen and provide the users with the passwords.
- Click the Close button at the bottom of the screen