PSI International

06. Administrator - Login and Reset Password


To log in as an Administrator:

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Open the login page for the testing site
  3. Enter your Username
  4. Enter your Password
  5. Click the Login button or press Enter

Please note that both username and password are case sensitive. If you have forgotten your password please see the section on Using the Reset Password Functionality on the Login Page below.

Also, please note that students will login using the method above but using a different username and password, which will only allow them to see the User interface NOT the Administrator interface. 

Using the Reset Password functionality on the Login Page

If a user has access to an email account and their email address has previously been entered on their ATLAS Cloud profile, they may obtain a new password using the Reset password functionality available from the login page.

To reset the password:

  1. Click the Reset password link on the login page (located underneath the Username and Password fields)
  2. Enter the username in the Username field and click Continue. This will generate an email with a password reset link which will be sent to the email address associated with the account, as confirmed by the following message shown on the login page: Success A password reset link has been sent to your email address
  3. Now, open your emails and find the email sent from PSI - ATLAS Cloud with the subject ATLAS Cloud password reset. In the email will be a password reset link. Please note that the password reset link has a time limit for use (currently 4 hours)
  4. Click the password reset link to open the Change Password page
  5. Enter the Password in the Password field. Please note that the new password cannot be the same as the old password
  6. Confirm the new Password in the Confirm Password field
  7. Click the Submit button
  8. This will open ATLAS Cloud, and from now on the new password should be used to login

Please note that the Reset Password will only work if a valid email address has been entered in the user account profile. See the Creating a User section. 

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