The All Results Report is the most commonly used report. It is used for auditing purposes as it is the only report that records the Invigilator. The report shows all users that have taken a test at a particular organisation within a specific time frame. It provides user information such as username, name, date of birth and details of the results including date, duration and status.
Please note that this report requires the organisation level to be selected prior to accessing the report drop down.
Creating the Report
In order to create the All Results Report:
- The Organisation must first be selected from the tree structure
- Once the Organisation is highlighted, select the Reports drop down (to the right of the Organization drop down
- Select All Results Report
Search Parameters
The list of search parameters is shown. The Category, From, To and Output format are the commonly filtered parameters; however complete all parameters as required:
- Select the Category drop down and narrow the category down if required
- Click in the From field and enter the start date in the format for the locale (or use the calendar icon to choose a date - use the arrows to move between months)
- Click in the To field and enter the end date in the format for the locale (or use the calendar icon to choose a date - use the arrows to move between months)
- Enter the Score Range if required; it will automatically show all scores but it can be narrowed down, for example 0-50
- Enter the Username filter to search a particular user
- Enter the Resource to filter on a particular resource
- Click the Full column view tick box to see all columns related to user and result information, otherwise a summary will be shown
- Select the Output format drop down to select the alternative output of a CSV file
- Once all parameters have been chosen, select Run Report
The results will appear in the format specified in the filters.
Report Output
The results of the report can be reviewed online, printed or output to CSV file.
Reviewing Online
The report will display online by default.
The online display can be changed to view different columns by using the Full column view tick box in the Search parameters.
Printing the Report
Once the results are available online, a Print button is displayed to the bottom left of all the results.
If there are a lot of results, the print button appears at the end of the results page. The scroll down facility can be used to access it.
Output Report to CSV
The report can be output to CSV file by choosing the report parameter CSV under the Output format field:
- Click the Output format drop down
- Select CSV
- Choose any other search parameters required
- Select Run Report
Once the report is run, a message automatically appears for a CSV file to be opened or saved. Either open the CSV file or save the file so it is available outside of the system.